Steven Spielberg, a liberal supporter of Barack Obama, does his best to give new life to the Lincoln myth. Once again, Old Abe is shown as a sage, a saint, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi and the Apostle Paul all rolled into one.
Spielberg's Lincoln is all about "ending slavery," and pictured as a sensitive, caring soul, almost a wimp. The real Lincoln didn't give a hoot in hell about ending slavery; he only wanted to drag the bleeding South back into a Union it no longer wanted, a Union that was no longer voluntary, all so Abe could keep his tax revenues. Also, Dishonest Abe detested black people, swore like a sailor, didn't believe in the Bible, and told ribald jokes. That probably won't be in the film. Also, don't count on the film showing his anti-black speeches in the Lincoln-Douglas debates, or his lecture to blacks visiting the White House (on how inferior they were to whites), or his letter to Horace Greeley regarding his non-stance on slavery. Also, there is little possibility of the film showing Lincoln approving of total war, the use of Confederate officers as a shield against artillery, the burning of private homes, farms and universities or the random shelling of civilians in Charleston. No, I suspect the Spielberg Lincoln will be too busy weeping for suffering mankind, feeling deep emotions, and emoting like a bleeding heart on steroids.
We will never be rid of the Lincoln myth. It will be with us always, like flies on cow pies, mosquitoes in July and ants at a picnic. Have a look at the trailer below but try not to vomit.