Steven Spielberg, a liberal supporter of Barack Obama, does his best to give new life to the Lincoln myth. Once again, Old Abe is shown as a sage, a saint, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi and the Apostle Paul all rolled into one.
Spielberg's Lincoln is all about "ending slavery," and pictured as a sensitive, caring soul, almost a wimp. The real Lincoln didn't give a hoot in hell about ending slavery; he only wanted to drag the bleeding South back into a Union it no longer wanted, a Union that was no longer voluntary, all so Abe could keep his tax revenues. Also, Dishonest Abe detested black people, swore like a sailor, didn't believe in the Bible, and told ribald jokes. That probably won't be in the film. Also, don't count on the film showing his anti-black speeches in the Lincoln-Douglas debates, or his lecture to blacks visiting the White House (on how inferior they were to whites), or his letter to Horace Greeley regarding his non-stance on slavery. Also, there is little possibility of the film showing Lincoln approving of total war, the use of Confederate officers as a shield against artillery, the burning of private homes, farms and universities or the random shelling of civilians in Charleston. No, I suspect the Spielberg Lincoln will be too busy weeping for suffering mankind, feeling deep emotions, and emoting like a bleeding heart on steroids.
We will never be rid of the Lincoln myth. It will be with us always, like flies on cow pies, mosquitoes in July and ants at a picnic. Have a look at the trailer below but try not to vomit.
John believes that the country may have passed a point of no return. He writes:
On paper, given Obama’s record, this election should be a cakewalk for the Republicans. Why isn’t it? I am afraid the answer may be that the country is closer to the point of no return than most of us believed. With over 100 million Americans receiving federal welfare benefits, millions more going on Social Security disability, and many millions on top of that living on entitlement programs–not to mention enormous numbers of public employees–we may have gotten to the point where the government economy is more important, in the short term, than the real economy. My father, the least cynical of men, used to quote a political philosopher to the effect that democracy will work until people figure out they can vote themselves money. I fear that time may have come.
Hinderaker quotes Andy McCarthy at National Review, who implicitly believes that the Gramsci vision has been realized, that the "long march through the institutions" has been accomplished, and that a large part of our country's culture and institutions, namely the media and academia, are in the firm control of the Left. What's worse, is that the Republican establishment cannot fight them because it has accepted the Progressive framework, not arguing for its abolishment, but only that it be better executed. McCarthy writes:
It has always been possible to run against elite opinion and win — if you make a compelling counter-case...Today’s Republicans do not. Indeed, they cannot, because they have accepted the progressive framework. Their argument is not that the welfare state, deficit spending, federalized education, sharia-democracy promotion, and the rest are bad policies. Their argument is not that Washington needs to be dramatically downsized. It is that progressive governance is fine but needs to be better executed.
My friend Lawrence Auster at View From the Right has long argued the same thing -- that the Republican establishment seeks a slightly different approach to liberalism, but not its defeat. This is a very pessimistic view, but no doubt it contains a lot of truth.
If we do indeed lose the nation to another four years of progressive destruction, it may be time to consider some radical alternatives, e.g. a new political party, state nullification of unconstitutional laws, and even secession.
This blog is about the Confederate States of America, Confederate descendants, American history and American politics. Everyone who cares about these subjects is welcome here.
We love the Southern Confederacy because it was the nation of our ancestors and is our nation by inheritance. We love the South and the Confederacy for reasons of patriotism, self-identity, reverence for ancestors, and family ties. Likewise, we love the Confederate flag and the song "Dixie" and other icons of Southern heritage for the valor, bravery and family ties that they represent. We do not cherish these icons for any but honorable reasons. We will vigorously defend Southern heritage and history from those who denigrate it.
However, our goal extends beyond defense of past history -- we will also work hard for a new birth of American liberty and prosperity, even if that can only be achieved by a new secession of the states.
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by switch...
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