What would you do to prevent your civilization from being erased from the face of the earth? Whatever it is, you had better do it fast.Read it all here.
It is politically foolish to frame the current losing battle of liberty against collectivist tyranny in racial terms, because oligarchical collectivists have used their control of the media to condition us to cringe in terror of being called racist, even while every other group openly advances its racial interests at our expense. But if we don’t acknowledge what is being done to us, we will die as cowards.
If only whites voted, Romney would have won in a landslide. Among white men, he beat the Manchurian Moonbat by 25 points.
But as a direct result of liberal welfare, border defense, and immigration policies, America is becoming demographically transformed. Without any noticeable attempt to present himself as someone who will do a better job in his second term than he has in the miserable failure of his first, Obama won 93% of the black vote, 71% of the Hispanic vote, and 73% of the Asian vote. No wonder the Democrats who run the media hammer it through our heads at every opportunity that it is bad to be white.
Trump Targets U.S. Institute of Peace and Other Federal Boards
More defunded lefties.
The post Trump Targets U.S. Institute of Peace and Other Federal Boards
appeared first on American Renaissance.
9 hours ago
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